Submit a request

Phone number where we can contact you. We may reach out to you to get additional information. Please add a 1 in front of your phone number and do not include dashes or parentheses, format example: 16515551234

Search or place a pin on the precise location for your issue, inquiry or service.

Use start date if multi-day event.

Please check all that apply

For example, flattening cardboard, emptying liquids from bottles/cans, etc.

This includes both food scraps and certified-compostable products. For a list of accepted materials and information on free disposal options, visit

Please check all that apply.

Please check all that apply.

Please check all that apply.

If you have not submitted a request to Reserve Event Containers, please visit and submit the online form

Recycling and trash containers should always be placed next to each other so that attendees don't have to search for the correct container or place waste in the wrong container out of convenience.

Food scraps (organics), recycling, and trash containers should always be placed next to each other so that attendees don't have to search for the correct container or don't place waste in the wrong container out of convenience.

Attach at the bottom of the form or email to

The final evaluation can be found at

Add file or drop files here