Submit a request

Phone number where we can contact you. We may reach out to you to get additional information. Please add a 1 in front of your phone number and do not include dashes or parentheses, format example: 16515551234

Use start date if multi-day event.

Search or place a pin on the precise location for your issue, inquiry or service.

Please give a brief description of the event you're hosting. If it is a public event, please include a link to the webpage or social media content if applicable.

Recycling Containers Requested (plastic bottles, aluminum cans, cardboard, etc.)

Please enter the number of Containers that you need for your event.

Organics for Composting (food scraps, food-soiled papers, BPI-certified products, etc.)

Please enter the number of Containers that you need for your event.

How do you plan to dispose of the organics material collected at your event?

There are a limited supply of trash containers available for lending. They are provided on a first-come first-serve basis

Please enter the number of Containers that you need for your event.

What day would you like to pick up your Containers?

What day would you like to return the Containers? Must be returned within 7 days from pick-up.

Add file or drop files here