Person completing this form
Phone number where we can contact you. We may reach out to you to get additional information. Please add a 1 in front of your phone number and do not include dashes or parentheses, format example: 16515551234
Search or place a pin on the precise location for your issue, inquiry or service.
Please select the area of your issue or inquiry. If this is an urgent safety issue (traffic light out, exposed wire, sign down) please call 911
Please select the type of tree issue you are reporting
Please select all that apply
Please provide the citation number
Please provide the location of the ticket
Please provide the date and time of the ticket
Please provide the Officer Number that issued the Snow Emergency Parking Ticket
If the issue you are contacting us about is not listed below, select the closest related category and describe the issue the next question
If the issue you are contacting us about is not listed below, select the closest related category
If different than address for which Service Hold is requested
The Citywide Garbage program has two options for temporarily stopping garbage service: Temporary Service Hold and an Unoccupied Dwelling Unit Registration. Service holds may not be used to avoid paying for service if a residence is occupied. For additional info please visit:
(please check one)
Must be submitted 2 weeks prior to start of Service Hold
A residential dwelling unit may only be placed onto a Service Hold up to two (2) occurrences per calendar year, and the total time service is on hold cannot exceed 26 weeks in the calendar year.
Please enter the number of units that are currently or planned to be unoccupied
Unoccupied Dwelling Registrations are effective on the 1st of the month after the month they are received by the City of Saint Paul and are evaluated annually.
If there are no plans to have occupants at this time, you may leave this question blank to suspend service until the unit becomes occupied.
Please review the Service Hold requirements at:
Under Saint Paul City Code of Ordinance Chapter 220, it is the responsibility of every owner of a residential dwelling of one (1) to four (4) units to utilize solid waste services for all occupied dwelling units (Sec. 220.04). By submitting this application, the property owner is certifying that the residential dwelling unit (RDU) is completely unoccupied, under penalty of the City of Saint Paul Code of Ordinances. Submission of this form is subject to verification by the City of Saint Paul at any time. If the RDU is determined to be occupied, the RDU will immediately resume receiving garbage services from the designated Hauler for the property and will be subject to the rates for garbage service specified in City Code of Ordinances Chapter 220.
Additional information can be found at
If yes, please check the box. If no, skip this question and leave the box unchecked. Electronic copies are available for printing at:
Please select all resources that you are interested in
If yes, please check the box. If no, skip this question and leave the box unchecked. This item includes various indoor/outdoor magnets and stickers. Additional information available at:
If yes, please check the box. If no, skip this question and leave the box unchecked. For additional information, please visit:
If you selected Bags or Totes in the previous question, please enter how many you need. If you did not select Bags or Totes, please leave this question blank.
Additional information can be found at
If your request applies to multiple carts, please fill out a separate request for each cart.
If the issue is with both your garbage and recycling carts, please fill out a separate request for each cart
For additional information on bulky item collection, please visit
We do not accept same-day missed collection reports. If today is your pick-up day, please wait until 6:00 p.m. to report your missed collection.
Example: next to garage, next to front door of house, etc. Include a photo below if able.
You will be notified if your request for walk-up service is approved
Check the box above to agree to the fee of $68.75 per quarter. There is no additional charge for recycling.
Check the box above to agree to the fee of $87.50 per quarter. There is no additional charge for recycling.
Please select your garbage service provider. You can look up your hauler by visiting