Submit a request

Phone number where we can contact you. We may reach out to you to get additional information. Please add a 1 in front of your phone number and do not include dashes or parentheses, format example: 16515551234

Search or place a pin on the precise location for your issue, inquiry or service.

Please include address/location of project if different from location above

Please add the date of your construction (if known).

If no, please include all measurements, property lines, street names, addresses, North arrow, structures, trees, distance of garage from the property line, and any notes for reviewers on a separate sheet, draw the proposed construction.

Before final approval by Public Works, the Department of Safety and Inspections (DSI) Zoning section must also approve the off-street parking situation for the curb cut. After final approval, the work must be done under a Sidewalk Permit by an approved contractor. Sidewalk Permits Applications can be found at or by contacting the Sidewalk Section at 651-266-6120 or The approved contractors list can also be found at or by contacting the Sidewalk Section at 651-266-6120. Drawings are required for issuance of permit.

For any questions during the process, please contact the Saint Paul Sidewalks Section at 651-266-6120. Please allow 1-2 weeks for the review of this application as several divisions review each request. THIS IS NOT A PERMIT FOR DRIVEWAY INSTALLATION, A SIDEWALK PERMIT IS REQUIRED AFTER APPROVAL FOR INSTALLATION. On a separate sheet, please draw the proposed curb cut or submit any available engineered drawings. Include building/house, addresses, property lines, measurements, North arrow, street names, trees, streetlights, trees, hydrants, utilities, and any other important information and attach a copy of the drawing to the bottom of this request form.

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