Submit a request

Please enter the name and address of the contractor

Phone number where we can contact you. We may reach out to you to get additional information. Please add a 1 in front of your phone number and do not include dashes or parentheses, format example: 16515551234

Search or place a pin on the precise location for your issue, inquiry or service.

Please include address/location of project if different from location above

Contact DSI if lost or forgotten at 651-266-8989

If the work involves a curb cut and you have not previously contacted the Sidewalk division, please call us at 651-266-6120

If no, please include all measurements, property lines, street names, addresses, North arrow, structures, trees, distance of garage from the property line, and any notes for reviewers on a separate sheet, draw the proposed construction.

Please check the box above prior to submitting this form. Project Quantities are required for issuance of permit.

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