Submit a request

Person completing this form

Phone number where we can contact you. We may reach out to you to get additional information. Please add a 1 in front of your phone number and do not include dashes or parentheses, format example: 16515551234

Please enter the contact address for the person/organization requesting a clean-up event

The Adopt-a-Block Program requires cleanup events at least four (4) times per year. What is the approximate date you plan to hold your 1st cleanup event?

If known, please enter your 2nd cleanup event date above; if unknown, leave blank

If known, please enter your 3rd cleanup event date above; if unknown, leave blank

If known, please enter your 4th cleanup event date above; if unknown, leave blank

Add a specific location or indicate if you’d like a recommended location from the city

Thank you for your interest in the City of Saint Paul’s One-Time Litter Cleanup Program. The One-Time Litter Cleanup assistance program is available to all individuals and groups, such as block clubs, neighborhood associations, and private businesses. portion of their neighborhood in an effort to improve the livability of their community. The Come Clean! Program provides gloves and plastic bags to collect trash and recycling. To participate in the program, please check all of the boxes above to confirm the participant agrees to:

Please select which disposal option you will use for your clean-up event.

Click here to read the program requirements:

Thank you for your interest in the City of Saint Paul’s Adopt-a-Container Program. City provided trash cans are placed at appropriate locations throughout the City for pedestrians to use for disposal of trash in high traffic areas. The designated litter container will have a Come Clean! decal(s) placed on it identifying the Adopter. Any private or other use of a public litter container is in violation of City Ordinance and is a breach of this agreement. The Adopter accepts the terms of this agreement as stated below. To participate in the program, please check all of the boxes below to confirm the Adopter agrees to:

Review Program Details here:

Thank you for your interest in the City of Saint Paul’s Adopt-a-Block Program. This program is offered to all organized block clubs, neighborhood groups, individuals and organizations interested in cleaning up a portion of their neighborhood in an effort to improve the livability and aesthetics of their community. If disposal at home or delivery to the yard waste site if prohibitive you may request a pick-up of materials from the Come Clean Coordinator. To participate in the program, please check all of the boxes above to confirm the Adopter agrees to:

Click here to read the program requirements:

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